Who's Amelia?

My name is Amelia. I am currently a sophomore at Gettysburg College. I am currently based in Gettysburg, PA, US.

I major in Computer Science and I have a passion for Technology, Innovation & Business.

In the future, I hope I could be able to merge my passions and my enjoyment into my career, which is why I am looking into Product Management.

Want to explore my journey?

👩‍💻 Programming

Java, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Dart, R, Python, React Native, ReactJs, MySQL

📈 PM Skills

Data Visualization, Project Management, Scrum and Agile Methodology, Cross-functional Leadership, Product Planning, Market Research Data Analysis, Budget Management, Cost Control, Resource Allocation

🔨 Programming &
PM Tools

Figma, Visual Studio, Eclipse, GitHub, JMP, RStudio, IntelliJ, Git, Jira, Asana

My Experience

National Research Group

Market Research Extern

  • Executed in-depth secondary research to compile essential data on the identified policy influencers, including contact information, key contributions, and their overall impact on Technology, facilitating targeted engagement strategies.

Writing Center @ Gettysburg College

Writing Tutor
Cultivated a supportive atmosphere that motivated peers to complete their scholarly essays, and assisted over 100 students in the preceding and current semester.

Vietnamese Students Association @
Gettysburg College

Vice President | Senate Representative

  • Spearheaded in planning and executing multiple cultural events on campus in order to integrate Vietnamese culture for the Vietnamese Students body and students at Gettysburg College.

  • Collaborated with other student groups to organize Burgburst’s Cultural Day.

  • Raised more than $1,000 as the Head of the Budget Committee in Burgburst to fund textbooks for students.

Hanoi Model UN Organization

Under-Secretary-General of Content

  • Led and trained a team of 30+ Content Department members and 150+ delegates in the Main Conference through training and debate sessions.

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams of PR, HR, Design team in the organization to produce guidebooks of educational purpose to prepare the delegates for the conference.

Firest Organization

Vice President

  • Led a 70+ people organization, executing a B2C business strategy that incorporated Product Ideation, Vision, and Roadmap Planning. Conducted extensive market research, including surveys and interviews with over 80 individuals, which informed the successful launch of the "Le Hanoi" T-shirt line, generating $800,000 in sales revenue.

  • Raised over $800,000 for Cancer Foundations, demonstrating strong fundraising and campaign management skills.

The Learning Curve

I always look forward to opportunities where I can explore and delve into areas of Computer Science.

This is the academic path I've so far pursued:

Bachelor's Science in

Computer Science



French Studies at

Foreign Language Specialized School,

Vietnam National University



These are some noteworthy Computer Science or Engineering couresworks that I took and found insightful!

Introduction to Computer Science I & II

Cultural Data Analytic

Linear Algebra

Data Structures & Algorithms

Yet, there are also countless other online lessons I've discovered are skillfully presented and set me up for my profession:

Introduction to Front-End Development

by Meta | Coursera

Programming with JavaScript by Meta | Coursera

Introduction to Project Management | Coursera

Becoming a Product Manager:

A Complete Guide | LinkedIn Learning

Artificial Intelligence Foundations:

Machine Learning | LinkedIn Learning

HVAC Monitoring & Surveillance System

Group Project @ Cornell University Health Hackathon

Role: Product Manager, Back-end Software Developer

Programming Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java

Designing Tools: Figma, Framer

Tools: RStudio, Visual Studio Code

A B2B model product that helps researchers at hospitals to track bacterials and fungus within hospitals and update

daily through the system, alerting hotspots of infection.

Evil Hangman Game

Team Project
Role: Product Manager, Back-end & Front-end Developer

Programming Language: Dart

Tools: Visual Studio Code

A web-game application of the Evil Hangman Game - be careful, it's EVIL

Spotify Songs Recommender

Personal Project

Programming Language: R, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tools: RStudio, Visual Studio Code

From a personal scale of liveliness, happiness, concertness, and intimacy - I will recommend you

the most suitable songs from my favourite tracks!

Taylor Swift's Songs & Influences through Data Analysis - a Research

Personal Project

Programming Language: R

Tools: RStudio

Research integrating emotional scores and computing correlation between Taylor Swift's songs's

components and predicted analysis of popular songs based on the data analyzed.

Automatic Spray Device for Hand Disinfection

Group Project

  • Led a team of mechanical and electrical engineers to design and build the prototype

    automatic hand sanitizer dispenser to distribute to 10+ schools in Vietnam.

  • Awarded a Gold Medal at the European Exhibition for the innovative design and social impact

Creative Works

Here are some creative works I have created and proud of!

Resources that I found beneficial

Product Management Essentials
by Aswin Pranam

This is a valuable guide that provided an overview of the role of a Product Manager and offered comprehensive learning resources (from tech abilities to interpersonal behaviors) that assisted me in developing my skills in various areas.

INSPIRED by Marty Cagan

Perspectives from a Product Manager in the Silicon Valley group that aided me in steering through the processes and journey to conceive, grow, construct and eventually design the tech products consumers would adore.

Crack the PM Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell and Jackie Bavaro

This book is primarily tailored towards acing Tech company interviews for the role of a Product Manager. Not only does it provide insights and framework of the interview process, it also elucidates the reasoning and methodology behind successfully answering and passing the interview!

Becoming a Product Manager : A Complete Guide by Cole Mercer
& Evan Kimbrell

A brief overview of a Product Manager's duties including job highlights, key skills, organizational tactics, execution strategies, product evaluation methods, and so on. The insider's tips is beneficial at various stages.

Get Hired as a Product Manager | Applying and Interviewing (Udemy)
by Cole Mercer & Evan Kimbrell

A brief course highlighting all facets of the application and interview procedure, along with supplemental examples of problem-solving techniques and response guidelines in a real-world context.

Product Management : Building a Product Strategy by Eldad Persky & Teg Grenager

By illuminating the nature of product strategy, the course assisted me in distinguishing between advantages and characteristics, thereby establishing a connection between product strategy and product roadmap. I enjoyed this particular course and this whole series in general!

Things I (Un)learned

🎙️ The voyage of maturing is laden with lessons here and there. Yet people hardly discuss how certain lessons are destined to be unlearnt rather than perpetuated.

Medium — Journey of Amelia Do

Here's where I shared a few things or two of my opinions, my stories, and myself on Medium ✒️!

📚 Read my Medium

🎯 If you are a newcomer or a don’t-know-anything about Computer Science and Algorithms, let me know what you’d think of Greedy Algorithm 🥹

Send me message if
you're interested!

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